Additional Information in Resources

In addition to defining a series of source/result relationships for each cost calculation, Cobra resources also include other fields of information. You can use the Results tab of the Resource File Properties dialog box to define these fields.

You can use the Results tab of the Resource File Properties dialog box to define these fields.

Field Description
Result For data entry purposes, you can assign a result for each field name appearing on a resource. This allows you to distinguish between different types of costs stored under a single generic result name. The result is what appears on the data entry screen.
Units You can enter a description of the unit in which the cost is expressed (for example, Hours, Dollars, or Cubic Yards).
Currency Select this option to indicate whether the cost represents a monetary amount. Cobra uses the Currency field to decide whether to include or exclude a particular cost when reporting values such as Earned Value and Actual Cost. Cobra also refers to the Currency field when updating project budget accounts in the project log. This field should be set to T for all monetary costs, such as direct dollars and overhead dollars, and left blank for other non-monetary costs such as hours, tons, or costs in other currencies. By setting this flag correctly, you can prevent Cobra from adding monetary costs (such as dollars) to costs expressed in other units.

It is important that all of a project's costs that are identified as currency amounts use the same currency units. For example, you should not set the Currency field to T for both costs denominated in US dollars and costs denominated in another currency.

Note: Result names used for multiple resources must share the same Currency field setting.
Sort Code Cobra uses result codes for reporting, exporting wInsight XML files, and exporting data in ANSI EIA X12 format.
  • H: Identifies the result as a unit measured in hours.
  • F: Identifies the result as FTE.
  • D: Identifies the result as Direct Cost.
  • G: Instructs Cobra that the result is General and Administrative (G&A), and needs to be dropped to the bottom line of the IPMR reports.
  • O: Instructs Cobra that the result is Overhead, and needs to be dropped to the bottom line of ICSR reports.
  • C: Indicates a result related to Cost of Money (COM).
  • N: Instructs Cobra not to divide the value by a scale factor. A typical result that uses this is linear feet of pipe.

Cobra uses result codes for reporting, exporting wInsight XML files, and exporting data in ANSI EIA X12 format.

Aside from these restrictions, this field is available for any custom-reporting requirement. The result code is used in reports like the IPMR report, which drops G&A and COM to the bottom line, and in the wInsight Export.

Rate Set You can assign a specific rate set to each result in a resource. Note, however, that when calculating costs, Cobra interprets the name of the rate set as the rate set currently assigned to the relevant cost class rather than the resource file.
Note: By default, rate set files assigned to cost classes default to the project rate set file.